Thursday, 21 December 2023
Lien Gwerin 8: now available

Saturday, 21 October 2023
Folklore of Bodmin’s holy wells
Alex Langstone
The historic town of Bodmin, has a long and distinguished history. The place-name means abode of monks, from the Cornish language Bod-meneghy, and was once famous for its priory, friary, guild chapels, sacred relics and a 9th century illuminated manuscript. The town has several holy and healing wells, and they have some interesting folklore surrounding them.
The town's priory park contains the holy well of St Petroc, which lies in a hollow between the football club and Pendower Meadow and was once within the scared enclosure of the former priory. Dedicated to St Mary and St Petroc, little remains of this once great institution, just a few visible foundations, bits of masonry and the fishpond. The well does have a wonderful tale attached to it. During some renovation work in the early part of the 20th century, a wooden statue of St Mary was found concealed in the well. It is believed that it was hidden from Cromwell’s troops during the Civil War. The statue was found to be in a remarkable state of preservation, maybe due to the miraculous qualities of the sacred well? The statue was given to the Catholic community in 1908 and was sent to Buckfast Abbey for preservation and minor repairs. It is now kept at St Mary’s Abbey in Bodmin.
The holy well in St Petroc’s churchyard (below) has a dedication to St Guron, the 6th century founder of the site. The holy well’s source rises under the church and flows through the well house and then out into a trough via two gargoyles. Rush crosses were thrown into the well on Good Friday, to confirm who would still be alive at Easter the following year. If the cross floated all was apparently fine. There is also an early medieval tale told about St Petroc, who miraculously restored the eyesight of a dragon which lived in the valley by the well.
There is some interesting modern folklore attached to Scarletts well, which may have some alluring indications to an older origin. The well is believed to have been used by many of Bodmin’s wise women and charmers, including Nell Parsons, who used the waters to assist in her trade, and her water pitcher (left) now resides in the collection of Boscastle’s Museum of Witchcraft and Magic. The contemporary mythology of Bodmin witch Joan Wytte, tells us that she also utilised the well for scrying, healing and magic.
A few years ago, whilst visiting this well, I struck up a conversation with a local man, who told me that when he was a child, he knew of a tale about a white lady who haunted the leafy lane around the site. I can find no references to back up this statement. However, a curious story is told about St. Whyte, and although this saint has her shrine in Dorset, she may have been venerated at the nearby church of the Holy Rood and has been linked locally to the towns holy wells. Maybe the tales of Joan Wytte and St Whyte are a folkloric echo of some lost lore of the ghostly white lady of the well?
Wednesday, 12 April 2023
A Peek at the Folklore of Mylor and District
Mylor holy well |
The Mayor of Mylor, is an old custom, which traditionally links Mylor parish with Penryn. Traditionally held each Autumn, when the hazel-nuts are ripe, the festival of ‘nutting-day’ is kept. A crowd from the town go into the country to gather nuts. Meanwhile townsfolk would proceed to Mylor, and whilst there, elect one of their number as the sham mayor. Seated in a chair shaded with green boughs, and borne on the shoulders of four strong men, the Mock Mayor and his compatriots process from Mylor to the ancient borough of Penryn. The procession would consist of torch bearers, bodyguards wielding weapons, and two ‘sergeants’ clad in official gowns and raised hats, each wielding a monstrous cabbage on his shoulder in lieu of a mace. The rear was brought up by the throng of the ‘nutters’. As they approached the outskirts of Penryn, the town band would join them and march them joyously into Penryn, where they were received by the massed population of the town. At the town hall speeches were given, and the celebrations went on late into the night, with street fires, music and dancing.[3]
Another amazing tale from the village is The Black Bull of Mylor. I came across this incredible tale many years ago, and it involves the sighting of a ghostly, fire breathing black bull, who is reported to haunt Church Lane between the church wall and Well Ackett:
One night
the two men were out on their rounds, and were intending to make their way
towards Trefusis Point, so as to pass by the Big Zoon, when after they had
passed the church stile they were suddenly brought to a stop―Away in the
distance, coming towards them, they could hear a fearful roaring noise; then
they could hear the gravel flying, and as the sound came nearer they could make
out the form of a big black bull, tearing towards them with fire coming from
his nostrils, and roaring something terrible! [4]
Church Lane, haunted by the Black Bull |
[3] Robert Hunt. Popular Romances of the West of England: Sham
Mayors – The Mayor of Mylor
[4] Old Cornwall, volume 1, issue 7, published in April
1928, and written by W. D. Watson.
[5] For a full investigation of this folklore see LienGwerin 7, Feb. 2023, pp 48 - 52
Monday, 23 January 2023
Lien Gwerin 7
Lien Gwerin: A Journal of Cornish Folklore, issue number 7 is now available on general release.
You can order direct from us on the link below.
Alternatively, the issue is now available worldwide. Why not order from your local bookshop? Or online via Amazon or our print-on-demand partner Lulu.com
The Folklore of the Hal an Tow by Andy Norfolk
The Old Man of Cury by Robert Hunt
Cornish River Lore by Alex Langstone
Folk Dance Collectors in Cornwall by Merv Davey
The Morgawr: Elusive in Sea and Folklore by Ronald M. James
Passing through the Devil’s Eye by Karen F. Pierce
Book Review: Fern Seed & Fairy Rings
Hazel Trees in Cornish Folklore by Rupert White
Black Prince Flower Boat by Kathy Wallis
Obituary: Dr Alan M. Kent
First and Last Folklore by Katie Giles
Plus original art by Paul Atlas-Saunders